Group Information

Where do we meet?

Most meetings are at the Lifton Community Centre, Lifton, Devon PL16 0LA. The Community Centre was opened in 2017 and we are fortunate to have such a great meeting place. We also use the Lifton Methodist Church for some Beaver and Cub meetings and the Recreation Ground in Lifton. In the summer months, some sections meet at Roadford Lake, Broadwoodwidger, Devon, PL16 0RL for outdoor activities.

How much does it cost?

Scout Groups charge subscriptions to cover cost of equipment and the resources to enable us to deliver good quality Scouting. Part of those subscriptions (subs) go towards the annual membership fee paid to headquarters for the day-to-day running of The Scout Association that includes insurance for all members. The termly (Sept, Jan and Apr) subscriptions cover the cost of our programme, our affiliation to the Scout Association and all our badges. Subs are collected before the first week of each term, these payments are usually made by bank transfer. If electronic payments are not possible please contact our Group Scout Leader to arrange an alternative.

For young people trying out Scouting, the first few sessions are free. We suggest that you wait a few weeks before rushing out to buy uniform, just to ensure your young person is certain they wish to join. Uniform is available from the Scout shop online, second hand uniform is also available.

Financial Help
We appreciate that personal finances can sometimes be tight. If you need a bit of help with the cost of a camp etc or if you want to spread the payments, then please have a quiet chat with one of the Leaders.

We are keen that everyone has the opportunity to attend at least one camp each year. It is not our policy to exclude any young person from an activity because of cost and we do have a Hardship Fund to assist where we can, please ask a leader for details.

Gift Aid
The Group is able to recover income tax on any donation provided a declaration has been made to cover the tax reclaim. Donations may be of any value. The only criteria is that the individual making the donation has to pay income tax or capital gains tax of at least the amount to be recovered by the Group. If you sign the declaration, up to 25p in each £1 can be claimed back by the Group from HMRC. This really helps the Scout Group finances and reduces the pressure on the essential fundraising! You can confirm your Gift Aid details on OSM.

How do I join?

There is often a waiting list for entry into each section. Our numbers are limited by physical space and the number of adult volunteers that can attend regularly. Once a member of the group, we make every effort to ensure young people have a space in the next section as they progress. We make every effort to accommodate siblings of existing members, however there is no automatic entry for siblings – they must be added to the waiting list in the normal manner.

How do I add a name on the waiting list?
The way to join the waiting list is to contact the Group Scout Leader via email or phone. You will need to provide the name and date of birth of the young person and your contact details. The GSL will put you in touch with the relevant section leader, who will let you know when your young person is likely to be able to join.

Is there anything I can do to get my young person a place?
We accept people into the group depending on their age and how long they have been on the waiting list. However there is a way to move your young person up the waiting list… Join in the fun and help us out! Not only does this help us increase the size of each unit, we give priority to children of leaders and regular helpers. See the section ‘Parental Support & Adult Help’ in this document.


Please keep us informed of any medical details for your child, especially dietary requirements and allergies. These details are all recorded on our administration system called online scout manager (OSM). These details are kept under review by leaders, but it is important to draw our attention to any changes.


The Scout Association takes pride in its safety record. Guidance is provided to Leaders through the West Devon District and Devon County, to ensure that Scouting activities are as safe as possible. Safety issues are covered extensively in our Leader Training. For more adventurous activities such as water sports, caving and mountaineering, we have special authorisation arrangements to ensure all young people are in safe hands.


The Scout Association’s child protection policy is known as the ‘Young People First’ policy. It’s often referred to as the ‘yellow card’ policy because of the pocket sized reminder card all adults are asked to keep and carry with them. Young leaders (aged 14-18) carry an ‘orange card’ with appropriate reminders.. The ‘Young People First’ policy is held up as an example of best practice and praised by the child protection agencies. The Scout Association also enjoys the confidence and trust of thousands of parents who each week place their children in our care. It is the policy of The Scout Association to safeguard the welfare of all members by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm. The Scout Association is committed to:

  • taking into account in all its considerations and activities the interests and well-being of young people;
  • respecting the rights, wishes and feelings of the young people with whom it is working ;
  • taking all reasonable practicable steps to protect them from physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and
  • promoting the welfare of young people and their protection within a relationship of trust.

All adults aged eighteen or over, no matter what their role or involvement within Scouting, are responsible for putting this policy into practice at all times. If you would like a copy of the Yellow Card, please ask your Section Leader.

Disclosure and Barring

Scouting continues to hold the safety and wellbeing of your child with utmost importance. It is therefore the policy of The Scout Association that every adult in Scouting should complete a ‘DBS disclosure’, every adult in Scouting means any adult who holds a role within our organisation be it Cub Scout Leader, Group Trustee or regular parent volunteer.

Scout Group Executive Committee

The Scout Group is supported by a Group Trustee Board (formerly known as the Executive Committee) which is charged with providing the facilities and resources necessary for the leaders to deliver the agreed Scouting programme and activities.  The membership of the Group Trustee Board includes volunteers, parents representatives, and some leaders.  It is the body that oversees the group finances and authorises expenditure, assists with fundraising, manages Safety Arrangements and undertakes the myriad of other tasks that, hopefully, reduce the already significant effort required from the leaders.  Our Group Trustee Board meets approximately 6 times per year.

Parental Support & Adult Help

Scouting depends on its adult volunteers and we would welcome your involvement. Maybe you could help in one of the following ways and join the adventure that Scouting offers adults as well as young people?

Did you know that we can offer you:

  • Nationally recognised training, typical qualifications can include First Aid, and qualifications in activities, such as climbing, water sports, sailing, archery and even tomahawk throwing.
  • You can also achieve tutoring qualifications in many of our activities.

You can offer our Scout group:

  • A skill to help one of the sections work towards a badge or award
  • Help to prepare refreshments for a section or Group event
  • Help to transport some equipment to an event away from the hall
  • Support at a Scout Group social event
  • Support with the Group’s fund raising activities
  • Help as a member of the Group Trustee Board
  • Help with the second-hand uniform stock
  • Support our activities on the water such as dinghy sailing and kayaking
  • Help out maintaining our equipment and storage facility at Roadford

If you, your partner, a friend or relative is interested in Scouting as an adult on an occasional or regular basis, please email the Group Scout Leader or speak to any section leader. No previous experience is necessary, as training will be provided. All leaders are volunteers and our reward is seeing young people grow and develop, plus we have loads of fun and make many new friends!

Data Protection Act / GDPR

As a small charity, the Group does not have to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office. However, the group is still subject to compliance with the Data Protection Regulations. In completing the online scout manager forms, you will be agreeing to the Scout Group during and beyond your child’s involvement with the organisation: a) Retaining personal data to facilitate any present or potential future involvement with Scouting; b) Retaining personal data regarding religion, special needs/disabilities, ethnicity, medical information; c) Allowing access to personal data to appropriate individuals within the hierarchy of Scouting; d) We use a number of service providers to support the scout group, including Google (document storage and email), online scout manager (records management).

View our Privacy Policy here.

Communicating with Parents

The Scout Group generates lots of information and instructions for members and their parents / guardians. You will find that the leaders of each Section have their own preferred mechanisms, but these may include:

  • A termly programme, listing the activities, locations and, where possible, any special equipment needed
  • Notes home to parents
  • Text/WhatsApp messages – for urgent information or during an event / activity
  • Emails giving programme updates and reminders
  • Facebook for updates, events and discussions.

We make every effort to rationalise the information but it is important that you read and respond promptly to messages to ensure that your young person does not miss out. It goes without saying that if you have any questions or concerns; please raise them with the appropriate Section Leader or with our Group Scout Leader.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III